why we request information when you download white papers


Dear Readers:

From time to time, you will encounter offers to download content from Longitude Media publications — content such as a whitepaper, webcast recording, infographic, digital guide, etc. In exchange for the download, we typically request a bit of information about you.


Why do we require this personal information?

Developing and publishing all our articles, white papers, and the like requires expert sources, long development timelines, and other resources at considerable cost.  We are able to provide our articles and information services at no cost to you because of our advertising sponsors.


Our request for information is part of what we call a fair trade offer, wherein we deliver exclusive, highly valuable content at no charge to you in exchange for information that helps us justify our sponsorship fees to advertisers.


WHY DO we ask about purchase intent sometimes?

Understanding if you and your company are considering purchases for specific products and services is the most important information we gather.  It guides our coverage, provides insights into emerging, maturing and declining product categories and is a critical justification for our advertising partners to continue to sponsor our content.  It's ok if you are not looking to make a purchase decision soon, everyone has access to our website and white papers for free!  But for those in our audience who are actively looking for solutions, letting us know this keeps the content coming for all!


We strive to be honest and open about this practice because we realize the sensitive nature of personal data sharing. We want you to be fully informed about how your information will be used so you can decide whether sharing that information is a fair trade for the content we’re offering. (See our Privacy Policy for more information.) We want you to take advantage of only those content offers that are a fair trade for you.


Why do we require a business e-mail address?

Some readers attempt to register to download content only to be notified that our system doesn’t accept nonbusiness e-mail addresses (such as @gmail.com or @comcast.net). Why? The aforementioned sponsors want to be assured we are primarily reaching a professional audience and drive which types of e-mail addresses accepted. 


Would you rather pay for the papers and guides?

The Fair Trade of your information for our papers discussed here is assuming we have to support our article and paper development through advertising sponsorships.  We could charge you, our loyal readers, for access to our white papers, webinars, and/or guides.  We have discussed offering this option as an alternative to your having to fill out registration forms, but feel it better to offer this content for free. If you would like to see a pay option, please contact us.


We’ll always offer truly free, truly valuable content.

Our fair trade content (requiring information for a download) is not to be confused with traditional content from our publications — such as articles, blog posts, video tips,e-newsletters, and more — which is always available and freely accessible to anyone who has Internet access.


If at any time you have questions or concerns about this process or our Privacy Policy, please contact us.


Thank you for being a loyal reader!